FY16 Results Presentation
Segment Performance - Produce
Solid performance, driven by yield growth through production refinements across the
national network
Demand has been positive, with increased retailer engagement supported by improved
industry association marketing effort
Mushroom industry value growth of 4.3%* over the past year
Solid performance for the year despite early setback in first half due to three hailstorms
Category demand growth continues unabated largely driven by new Costa volume
FNQ-second commercial blueberry crop harvest being completed. There was a slight delay
in harvest due to unseasonably high temperatures
From FY2017, over 50% of Costa blueberry production will be outside the main August-
December production period
Raspberry contribution has been exceptional, and following six years of continuous growth
is now equally as significant as the blueberry crop to the company
fresh is our passion
Nielsen Homescan, MAT 11 June 2016
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