H1'23 Highlights slide image

H1'23 Highlights

02. Scale Our unique combination of in-market scale and global scale network allow us to be among the most profitable banks in our markets Market shares Europe North America 10% Loans 4% Auto lending 8% 2% Deposits Deposits Digital Consumer Bank 17% 12% Loans Loans 13% Loans 13% Deposits 11% South America 14% Deposits Deposits 18% #1 European Consumer Loans Bank 9% 21% 17% Loans Loans Deposits 17% Deposits 10% Deposits 10% Loans 10% Deposits Our global and network businesses (SCIB, WM&I, Payments and Auto) drive in-market and Group profitable growth and value. Represent 39% of Santander's total revenue Market share data: as at Mar-23 or latest available. Spain includes Santander España + Hub Madrid + SCF España + Openbank and Other Resident sectors in deposits. The UK: includes London Branch. Poland: Santander including SCF business in Poland. The US: retail auto loans includes Santander Consumer USA and Chrysler Capital combined. Deposits market share in the US as of 30/06/2022 considering all states where Santander Bank operates. Brazil: deposits including debenture, LCA (agribusiness notes), LCI (real estate credit notes), financial bills (letras financeiras), COE (certificates of structured operations) and LIG (Letras inmobiliarias Grantidas). 9
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