Investor Presentaiton
Independent Appraisals
Two independent valuers, Savills and Jones Lang LaSalle ("JLL"), have been appointed to
value the Company's major projects, namely:
• Nam Tai Inno Park, Nam Tai Technology Center, Nam Tai Inno Valley, Nam Tai Longxi,
Offices in Zhuoyue Baozhong Times Square, Wuxi Facilities
Taking into account net balance sheet adjustment*, the Company's net asset value per
share is estimated to be approximately US $18 per share. This per share valuation is
based on the Company being valued as a going concern.
Valuation Rationales
• The Company did not provide the valuation report since 2018 due to continually
changing regulations and tightening measures on industrial projects, see the 2018 and
2019 quarterly and annual financial reports.
• The valuation reports shall provide a basis of the value of the underlying assets for
reference only.
IsZo's claim of at least $40 per share is without basis.
*Net Balance Sheet Adjustment: adjusted total assets less total liabilities. Adjusted total assets are computed as total assets less net properties under development, properties held for sales-type lease, net properties held for lease, and net
Property, plant and equipment.
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