Integrated Report 2020
Supply Chain GRI 102-9, 103-2, 103-3 | 204, 205, 308, 412, 414
In line with our principles of quality and commitment
to environmental responsibility, our supplier man-
agement is decentralized, with actions distributed in
different areas guided by our Code of Conduct for
Third Parties. This internal guideline was built on in-
ternational reference documents, such as the United
Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and
a series of resolutions recommended by the Inter-
national Labor Organization. Contractors must abide
by the Code, which describes their rights and duties
regarding labor and socio-environmental practices, and
suppliers classified as having the highest potential risk
are subject to a due dilligence process.
Several other initiatives focus on increasing efficiency,
mitigating risks, improving user experience and finan-
cial return, such as the implementation of our digital
global procurement platform (Coupa), with more than
40,000 online quotations received from approximately
10,000 suppliers leading to 91% of all service acquisi-
tions. We also introduced a new inventory manage-
ment tool to optimize material inventory parameters
and storage.
Regarding decent work in the value chain, our aware-
ness-raising actions reached 402 truck drivers, 24 car-
riers and 102 team members in logistics and transpor-
tation companies. The main objective was to prevent
the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents on
highways under the Program Na Mão Certa, from Child-
hood Brazil. Along the same line, we approved a man-
agement process to assess and monitor critical suppli-
ers under more comprehensive human rights criteria.
Aiming to engage our supply chain in sustainability
issues, in 2020 we reaffirmed our partnership with CDP
Supply Chain, a program that helps companies identify
environmental risks and opportunities in their supply
chain. We achieved more than 86% engagement for
Climate and 77% for Water, the highest historical index
in nine years, reaching 119 critical suppliers in Water and
186 critical suppliers in Climate.
Partnership with CDP Supply Chain
helps to engage supply chain in
sustainability matters
We also reviewed supplier pre-qualification processes
and supplier SSMA assessments to consider the bid-
der's safety performance as an important criterium in
the selection of service providers.
Ethanol suppliers go through a very strict admission
process: our Responsible Ethanol Purchase Program is
based on Compliance (mandatory requirements) and
Excellence (continuous improvement). By joining the
program, the supplier pledges to uphold high standards
in integrity, environment, human rights of workers and
communities, management of sugarcane suppliers,
quality and efficiency.
When joining the program, suppliers commit to uphold-
ing our code of conduct regarding integrity, environment,
human rights for workers and communities, sugarcane
supplier management, quality and efficiency. They must
also agree to audit in their mills, including annual visits
by sampling. Our close dialogue with ethanol suppliers
continued in 2020; we carried out remote checks on Bon-
sucro certification reports while independent monitors
audited the implementation of their management pro-
grams to ensure diligent management of ethanol suppli-
ers, especially with regard to socio-environmental issues.
4 units were remotely verified, which represented 31.69%
of the volume supplied in the year.View entire presentation