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Investor Presentaiton

Shift in Revenue Mix Increased business from Private Entities in alignment with market demand Increased focus on Export-led revenue generation by leveraging on global demand Shift from Project-led revenue to Product-led revenue - Increase in product revenue will facilitate lower working capital, quicker realization and margin expansion Increasing revenue share from Private Customers* (IN %) Exports Revenue Share (IN %) Shift towards Product-led Revenue (IN %) 17.23 14.36 ויוד ו.. 7.68 4.54 51% 68% 83% 82% 49% 32% 17% 18% 27% 43% 56% 54% FY21 FY22 FY23 H1FY24 FY21 FY22 FY23 H1FY24 FY21 FY22 FY23 H1FY24 Government Private Product-led Revenue Project-led Revenue HFCL Limited | Investor Presentation Oct 2023 29
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