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Investor Presentaiton

47 Cargill 2020 Annual Report Cargill Foundation GRI 103-2, 103-3 | 413 Material topic: . Community engagement and development The purpose of Cargill - nourish the world in a safe, responsible and sus- tainable way - inspires the mission of the Cargill Foundation to promote safe, sustainable and accessible food to the communities in where we are. Created in 1973, the Foundation has Cargill Agrícola S.A. as the main sponsor and has a curator and fiscal Council, besides an independent Board of Directors. Social strategy As our social pillar, the Foundation's strategic plan reflects our corporate planning and is guided by the nine topics established globally as priorities for Cargill to be a world leader in sustainable nutrition (see the Strategy chapter, page 12). Currently, we have defined three fields to develop our projects: • . • Sponsorship to communities in which we are inserted Corporate volunteering Support to social-environmental projects created by uni- versities, structured in 2020 to be implemented in 2021. The Foundation intends to leverage progress among com- munities and, for this, we have standardized processes to move forward with projects, executed with local partners, and clear deadlines regarding the end of this support. These projects receive technical and financial support to develop their initiatives during a period varying between 12 and 24 months. The projects that extend beyond this period involve communities that also require to create access to basic issues, like health and education. The purpose is, by the end of the cycle, for communities to be self-sufficient. Every year we choose up to 15 projects, selected based on the transformational impacts they can provide to the com- munities. These are added to the 33 projects underway, at different levels, which we support in 19 states. We allocate up to R$ 200,000 per project. In 2020, the actions sup- ported by the Foundation during the seventh bidding edition, reached 65,000 people. Among the priority topics are family inclusion and female, indigenous populations and refugee inclusion. In another front, the Foundation seeks to form an eco- system for new generations to act in an entrepreneurial fashion regarding social-environmental issues. Focused on university projects, the Alimentação em Foco (Food in the Spotlight) Award is in its fifth edition and chooses 15 proj- ects annually. The participants receive financial support and mentoring by Cargill volunteering professionals to create and structure their projects. By the end of one year, each team presents the results achieved by their solutions at the National Enactus Brazil Meet (Eneb - Encontro Nacional Enactus Brasil) and become candidates for the prize offered by the institution. Como montar uma horta em casa
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