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Investor Presentaiton

INTRODUCTION The goal of this report is to provide a critical analysis of the Sixth National Population Census of the People's Republic of China (2010) as it pertains to the current state of health and education within Tibetan populated areas. The national census is taken every ten years and reveals significant benchmarks regarding the ethnic make-up, health, education, and economic status of regional populations. This ambitious nationwide effort was heavily promoted by the central government, which spent approximately 700 million RMB and mobilized over 6 million enumerators to visit over 400 million households and to record a total of 1.34 billion people. Overall, we found that the 2010 census reveals extreme disparities between Tibetan populated regions and the rest of the PRC in regards to all major health and education indicators, such as life expectancy, infant mortality rates, illiteracy rates, and educational attainment. Despite the state's much touted “modernization and development" of Tibet, the government's official data shows Tibetans falling far behind the rest of the PRC in terms of health and education. The following slides summarize our findings in the areas of Tibetan population, health, and education.
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