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Investor Presentaiton

Algerian mobile market history ATM Monopoly 1999 - 2001 Mobilis mobilie Duopoly: Market Creaming 2002 - 2003 Mobilis YDJEZZY mobilie 742-9 3 Players 4 Brands: Market Hyper Growth Mobilis 2004 - 2007 YOJEZZY mobilie Allo OTA Market Moderate Growth 2008 - 2013 mobilis Y DJEZZY Old state-owned PTT creates mobile arm/brand • Pure postpaid product extremely expensive only accessible to high end officials and their social network • Very small customer base: around 100k in 3 years!!! OTA launched under Djezzy's brand in Feb 2002 OTA makes mobile accessible nationwide by reducing -50% prices of the base postpaid product and launching the first prepaid offer in Algeria OTA foster's creation of first Distributors in Algeria and invests in co-marketing with them • At the end of 2003 OTA reaches 88% share of a market of 1.5mn high end subs (0.5bn USD). • WTA launched under Nedjma's brand August the 25th of 2004 • OTA launched ALLO "no frills" brand August the 26th of 2004 with exactly the same color • OTA leads the market in all aspects profiting from its first mover advantage : price, network, biggest distribution network and 2 brands to compete in all segments • At the end of 2007 OTA reaches 67% value share of a market of 2.6bn USD compared to 13% of WTA (24mn "official" subs). NEDJMA from Wataniya Telecom owned... Diagnosis and New Strategy that led to... Axgi NEDIMA Nedjma's Turnaround and Re-branding to At the end of 2013 Ooredoo Algeria reached 30% value share of a market of 3.5bn USD (30mn "real" subs) while OTA drops to 51%. Ooredoo owned And in 2014 the market enters into a new stage: 3G DEPLOYMENT and DATA SERVICES REALM Ooredoo Capital Markets Day 25 May 2015 | 58 59
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