Investor Presentaiton
At 10:00 a.m., on Thursday, June 22, 2023
Place: Hotel New Otani (The Main)
4-1, Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Purpose of the Meeting:
Matters to be reported:
Presentation of the Business Report and the Consolidated Financial
Statements for the 36th fiscal year from April 1, 2022 through March
31, 2023, and Results of Audit by the Accounting Auditor and the
Board of Corporate Auditors on the Consolidated Financial
Presentation of the Non-Consolidated Financial Statements for the
36th fiscal year from April 1, 2022 through March 31, 2023
Matters to be resolved:
Agenda Item No. 1:
Agenda Item No. 2:
Agenda Item No. 3:
Agenda Item No. 4:
Agenda Item No. 5:
Proposal for Appropriation of Retained Earnings
Partial Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation
Election of eleven (11) Directors (Excluding Directors
Are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members)
Election of four (4) Directors Who Are Audit and
Supervisory Committee Members
Determination of Remuneration Amount for Directors
(Excluding Directors Who Are Audit and Supervisory
Committee Members)
Agenda Item No. 6: Determination of Remuneration Amount for Directors
Who Are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members
Other Matters concerning Convocation Procedures
If no indication of approval or disapproval is made for each agenda item on the
returned Voting Rights Exercise Form, it will be treated as "approved."
If you exercise voting rights in writing more than once, only the vote in writing having
the latest date will be counted.
(3) If you exercise voting rights by an electronic method (via the Internet, etc.) more
than once, only the last vote will be counted.
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