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Investor Presentaiton

2016 | Braskem | Annual Report 2221 85% OF LOCAL LABOR in addition to workers of 24 different nationalities. Braskem Idesa The Company's commitment to protecting and promoting human rights goes beyond geographical and cultural boundaries. Braskem Idesa, a joint venture between Braskem and the Mexican group Idesa, were conceived with prerogatives of sustainability and human rights. Therefore, in addition to following Braskem's global corporate policies, such as the Code of Conduct for Team Members, the unit has a policy focused on Human Rights, which includes procedures that guarantee excellent social and environmental performance: • Health and Safety: Accident frequency rates with and without lost time during the construction phase were less than one accident per million man-hours worked, winning the DuPont Safety and Sustainability Award 2015, as a worldwide highlight in the area of Industrial Safety. In 2016, its first year of operation, this rate was 0.67, lower than the average for the Chemical Industry in Mexico determined by the National Association of the Chemical Industry in Mexico (ANIQ). • Diversity: During the construction phase, women's participation was 8%, a highly representative rate when compared to the Mexican national average of 3.5%. In addition, workers came from 24 different nationalities, but with great use of local labor, which represented 85% of the workforce. The current diversity ratio in the workforce is 31% women and 69% men. • Human Rights Training: Over 500 people were trained in different aspects, including sexual harassment and mobbing, in which there was a reduction of 40% of the cases reported. • Human Development: 670,000 training hours to ensure better professional qualification. ⚫ New Opportunities Program: An initiative created to support professional relocation after completion of the construction work on the Braskem Idesa Petrochemical Complex, ensuring the inclusion of 6,500 people in selective processes. • Private Social Investment: After identifying regional talents, 200 people from the community (93% women) were trained to be suppliers for Braskem Idesa and other companies in the region (legal constitution of 11 cooperatives of cleaning products, uniforms, and tilapia and chicken farming, as well as recycling materials made available by the Company). • Participatory Environmental Monitoring: Community representatives were trained to measure levels of air and water contaminants, as well as dust and noise levels. These people perform environmental monitoring, guaranteeing the transparency of the results which, so far, have not been any different than the initial environmental parameters. • Biodiversity: 400 hectares of reforested area, 529 specimens of the local wildlife rescued and five-fold increase of 331 plants of the rare endangered species "Ceratozamia Miqueliana." • Preservation of Cultural Heritage: The construction works were monitored by a team of specialists from the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) to ensure that any archaeological remains were properly identified and recovered. Currently, over three thousand pieces have been found and are part of the collection of the INAH- Veracruz Center. Braskem Idesa will continue to carry out third-party audits to ensure compliance with principles governing Human Rights, and, together with Braskem's other businesses, will intensify the promotion of the Ethics Line Channel through an educational process.
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