Investor Presentaiton slide image

Investor Presentaiton

Comparing Stock Connect with QFII/QDII / RQFII Stock Connect Business entity Stock exchange of HK and SH Investment direction Both directions Currency RMB Quota First-come, first-served Equal opportunities QFII/QDII / RQFII Financial institutions such as banks, asset management companies etc. Single direction Lock up period Cross-border fund management Choice of investment No restrictions Funds must return to origin after selling the shares Direct investment: Free to choose stocks for investment HKD/USD/RMB Depends on allocation of quota to each institutions QFII: 3-month, RQFII: 1-year Subject to exchange rate risk and may increase cost Funds can stay in the local markets for trading Indirect investment: Investment decisions are made by the licensed institutions 4
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