Investor Presentaiton
GRI Sector Standards compatible with IFRS S2
The GRI Standards are continually reviewed, with current developments including new Sector Standards. Some Sector
Standards contain material topics of climate adaptation, resilience, and transition. The standards require disclosing
information on a given material topic that is compatible with the requirements of IFRS S2.
Generally, topics of climate adaptation, resilience, and transition refer to how an organization adjusts to current and
anticipated climate change-related risks, as well as how it contributes to climate change.
GRI 11
GRI 12
GRI 13
GRI 11: Oil and Gas Sector
GRI 12: Coal Sector
GRI 13: Agriculture Aquaculture and Fishing Sectors
Each Sector Standard lists the disclosures identified for each topic. For GRI disclosure 201-2, it is recommended to
disclose internal carbon pricing that has informed the identification of climate-related risks and opportunities and
their potential impacts on the company's operations and revenue. The recommendation to disclosure 3-3
Management of material topics comprises partially the same types of information IFRS requires to disclose regarding
governance, strategy, metrics and targets and risk management. Also, the Sector Standard supplements GRI
disclosure 305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions with additional information on climate goals and targets.
Page 8
9 August 2023
How to prepare a report in compliance with IFRS S1/S2?
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