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Investor Presentaiton

China's agricultural sector has doubled in size in the last decade... China's agricultural sector value-added has doubled its size in the last 10 years. As at 2018, the sector's GDP was put at US$978.45 billion, representing a 109.43% increase from US$467.20 billion in 2008 āœ“ 200 million Chinese farmers are responsible for feeding about 1.4billion people in China. āœ“ The proportion of labour employed in the sector declined from about 50% in 1991 to around 16% in 2018, owing to the increasing adoption of innovative approach Major technologies adopted to drive the sector 1. Artificial intelligence (AI) 2. Cloud computing infrastructure 3. Biotechnology and genetically modified organism (GMO) Source: World bank, FAO, OECD PwC Key transformation factors Population(rank) : 1st GDP(rank): 2nd 1 Favorable agricultural policies and programmes such as the promotion of irrigation and high investment in the sector (Fertilizer, Subsidies, equipment and R&D I 2 Two ways of land ownership( state owned public land ownership and farmer collective-owned rural land) 3 Greater adoption of modern agricultural production techniques, with focus on organic farming. Consequently, the country accounts for more than 85% of the world's greenhouses Major agricultural products ('000 tonnes), 2019 300,000 250,000 200,000 131,430 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 Wheat 257,333 Corn 148,490 16,000 13,800 Rice Soyabean Livestock Unlocking productivity across Nigeria's agribusiness value-chain February 2020 I
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