Orizon Sustainability and ESG Initiatives slide image

Orizon Sustainability and ESG Initiatives

ORIZON = ABOUT US NATURAL CAPITAL GOVERNANCE HUMAN CAPITAL SOCIAL PLATFORM PERFORMANCE GRI SUMMARY < 25 > MANAGEMENT OF WASTE GENERATED AT THE PLANTS GRI 306-1, 306-2 In order to manage the significant (real and potential) impacts in relation to the waste from its operation as a whole, Orizon monitors the entry, activity and exit of each type of waste sent to its units, having developed specific control processes for each case, as can be seen in the table below: Orizon also supports a number of internal campaigns and projects at the plants with the aim of not generating any more unnecessary waste. Some examples of what is done: "Caneque-se" ("Your Own Mug") ā˜ campaign, aimed at avoiding the use of plastic cups at some units; Reuse of wood received at the landfill to provide fencing; Entry Motor oil Hydraulic oil Slurry generated by the end activity Solid waste Diesel oil Activities Motor, pump and hydraulic control lubricants Treatment station for this slurry Final disposal of solid waste Fueling of machines and trucks Exit Replacement of these oils depending upon the length of time the equipment is in use The oil replaced is sent to recyclers Reuse water Production of biogas (sanitary landfills that do not have suction or biogas burning systems can potentially pollute the air, due to the methane not being destroyed) External treatment 00 Encouragement of a reduction in unnecessary printing; O Reuse of clean rubble received at the landfills for the paving of access roads; Reverse logistics with toner and cartridge suppliers; Reuse of plastic and metal jerrycans as garbage cans (after decontamination); Talks on environmental education; Reuse of treated effluents such as reuse water for sprinkling on roads and cleaning machinery. Lubricant oils For use in machines and trucks Burnt oil
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