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Investor Presentaiton

لم () PRODUCTION GUIDANCE AT ~90-100 MBOEPD FOR 2023-2027 2023-2027 PRODUCTION GUIDANCE¹ (MBOEPD) 97 ~90-100 92 17 ~12-15 14 23 22 ~25-35 57 555 999 56 ~48-55 CEE - WE HAVE TO RUN FAST TO STAND STILL Production Optimization and efficiency measures to mitigate baseline decline ► Focus on field development next to active exploration ► Surface facility simplification and cross-border projects ► Offshore development program in Croatia INTERNATIONAL E&P - IMPROVE QUALITY AND CASH GENERATION ▸ Opportunistic portfolio management persists Potential to move to upper guidance despite portfolio optimization actions Additional volumes to be realized from development programs in Kurdistan and Kazakhstan Deliver ACE project on time and within budget Strong and stable contribution beyond 2027 at very low unit cost ACG Other Int'l CEE 2021A 2022A 2023-2027 1 Discontinued operations excluded from all figures. MOLGROUP | 48
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