South Gobi and Indomet Coal Asset Strategic Overview slide image

South Gobi and Indomet Coal Asset Strategic Overview

SOUTH GOBI EXPANSION STRONG MULTI PIT EXPANSION STRATEGY IN NOYON BASIN South Gobi Project consists of tenements which cover most of north western extent of TERRA ENERGY the Noyon coal basin KS Hinge KS North BNU West pit BNU Pit 1 17.163 BNU Pit 2 Contains an estimated 50km of basin edge which contains near surface coal bearing stratigraphy ► Progressive development of a multiple shallow pit strategy Serviced by existing centrally located infrastructure 13,780 BNU Mine Infrastructure CHPP Terra Haul Road 13780 South Terra Energy LLC Multi Pit Strategy September 2016 Universal Transverse Mercator - Zone 47,48 World Geodetic (WGS 84) Haul Road Huvguun South 17,162 50 km Target Coal Basin Sub Crop 16,971 Legend Haul road from Pits to CHPP TE Haul road TE Mining license TE Exploration license Coal target areas W E 0 kilometers 28 TERRACOM
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