ESG: Our 'Beyond Compliance' Approach slide image

ESG: Our 'Beyond Compliance' Approach

GROUP KEY PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHTS vs H1 - FY2021 EXCELLENT OPERATIONAL AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE PRODUCTION PERFORMANCE • Group gold production 9.9% to 108,0850z • Evander Mines u/g production ↑116.6% to 27,312oz • Production guidance increased to approximately 200,0000z for FY2022 • Significant increase in Evander Mines LOM COST PERFORMANCE • Group AISC - 6.3% to US$ 1,173/oz (13.4% to ZAR567,023/kg) . • • • Evander Mines u/g AISC (H1 FY22) - 60.5% to US$ 983/oz 80% of Group production (Elikhulu, BTRP, Evander u/g and Fairview Mines u/g) at an AISC of US$ 1,034/oz Target AISC for FY2022 < US$ 1,200/oz* *Assuming an exchange rate of US$/ZAR:15:50 H1 - FY2022 - HIGHLIGHTS 8
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