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Investor Presentaiton

PANORAMA OF THE PRIVATE SECTOR'S PARTICIPATION IN SANITATION 2021 80 A NEW SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC FRONTIER FOR BRAZIL Piquete (SP) Full Concession The Águas de Piquete concessionaire, of the Iguá Group, managed to reduce the loss rate in the distribution system from 46% to less than 10%. The result was recorded a year after the start of our actions to tackle losses, which began at the end of 2019. Responsible for the water supply of more than 13,000 inhabitants, the company has begun to monitor the networks, at regular in- tervals, checking water pressure in various parts of the city, at different times of day. Pressure regulating valves, telemetrics con- trol and pictometry control were installed, allowing specific flow analysis. Leak main- tenance services started to follow strict time frames for execution. At the most crit- ical points, pipes were replaced. Together with maintenance actions, the water meter park was renewed. With the substantial decrease in losses, the concessionaire managed to save 56% in their consumption of chemicals and re- corded an energy efficiency of 9%, as well as direct impact on revenues. Social welfare For inclusion into this aspect, the following distinguishing factors were considered: • Advances in health Advances in education/professional qualification Palmas (TO) Full Concession The young city, founded only 32 years ago, is now considered the fifth Brazilian capital with the best sanitation index. According to the Sanitation Ranking - 100 Largest Cit- ies, launched in March 2021, Palmas ranks 28th, behind only four capitals: Curitiba, São Paulo, João Pessoa and Brasília. Over the last five years, over BRL 148 mil- lion has been invested in actions such as the implementation of new sewage collec- tion networks, expansion of the city's main water treatment plant - increasing its treat- ment capacity from 750 l/s to 1,500 l/s - as well as initiatives seeking to reduce losses; automation; and improvements that al- lowed the two systems, water and sewage, to keep up with the city's development and also expand service provision to new areas. The result appears directly in the munici- pality's health indicators. Palmas has re- duced the incidence of water-related dis- eases from 13.36 cases per 10,000 people in 2010 to 5.31 in 2018. In the same period, among children aged 0 to 4 years, the most vulnerable group, the incidence dropped from 103.03 (2010) to 46.95 (2018). Palmas stands out, appearing as a counter- point to the national and regional situation of water and sewage indicators: 100% of the city's residents have access to treated water, and 88% are covered by the sewage collection network. 81
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