The Case for Kun-Manie slide image

The Case for Kun-Manie

Kun-Manie Project - A Globally Significant Nickel Sulphide Project Ni Sulphide projects with >20KTp.a. likely to come into production over the next 5 years GIGAMETALS CORPORATION WELLGREEN PLATINUM Capacity = 5,000Tpa WWATERTON RNC MINERALS Amur Minerals NICKELMOUNTAIN FIRST QUANTUM MINERALS LTD. ā— Grade = 0.10% Ni 001. uru metals NORNICKEL :80 bhpbilliton Kun-Manie Project one of the highest grade, undeveloped Nickel sulphide deposits globally capable of supplying significant quantities on a yearly basis Only Ni Sulphide asset of any significance in Asia Limited number of global projects scheduled to come into production as to meet forecast Nickel demand making Kun-Manie an essential asset to develop Source: Cru market research and company data Amur Minerals 12
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