Ratification of PwC as Auditor
Proposal #2: Advisory resolution to approve executive compensation
The Board of Directors recommends you vote FOR this proposal
Compensation Discussion & Analysis Roadmap
1. How did we
2. How do we
and determine
3. How did we
pay our CEO
and other
4. What are
our pay
5. How do we
address risk &
For additional detail, see 2015
Proxy Statement pages 30-68
Business results: Strong underlying financial performance across each line of business while maintaining a fortress
balance sheet and delivering sustained shareholder value
■ Risk & Control: Sig cant progress enhancing our controls, while reinforcing our culture of accountability
■ Customers & Clients: Strengthened our franchises by focusing on customers' and clients' experience
■ People Management & Leadership: Continued investment in developing our employees and strengthening our
pipeline of leaders by taking a very proactive approach to succession planning
Proactive and rigorous approach to assessing performance against priorities enables the CMDC and Board to make
fully informed decisions
■ Performance assessed using a holistic approach over a multi-year period in order to drive short-, medium-, and long-
term shareholder value
■ Pay levels set commensurate with individual, line of business, and Firm performance, along with the need to attract
and retain top talent
■ Mr. Dimon and the other Named Executive Officers ("NEOS") delivered strong Firm, line of business and individual
performance in 2014, continuing their momentum from 2013
■2014 NEO pay levels were determined based on 2014 performance, historical performance, and positioning of our
Firm for future success
Majority of NEO compensation is performance-based, and deferred into long-term equity, which is linked to stock
price performance and subject to forfeiture
■ Sound compensation philosophy drives compensation program features and related decision making at every level of
the Firm
■ Executives do NOT receive any special benefits, special severance, golden parachutes or guaranteed bonuses
■ Stock ownership guidelines and retention requirements create strong alignment with shareholders
■ We actively seek feedback on pay practices from our shareholders and strongly consider it in making compensation
related decisions
■ Strong corporate governance and independent Board oversight provides appropriate level of support and scrutiny of
compensation program
■ Enhanced and extensive processes to discuss material risk and control issues that may potentially result in a
compensation pool or individual impact
■ Senior and certain other employees are subject to strong clawback and recovery provisions to hold them accountable
■ Strict no hedging/pledging policy for executive officers to strengthen the alignment of such officers' economic
interests with those of shareholders
JPMORGAN CHASE & Co.View entire presentation