AstraZeneca Results Presentation Deck slide image

AstraZeneca Results Presentation Deck

tozorakimab Severe viral lung infection Airway epithelium Airway endothelium Staining showed localised IL-33 in airway IL-33red/sST2 levels associated with poor clinical outcomes ST2 expressed in alveolar capillary cells ATS BioPharmaceuticals - R&D highlights ATS and ERA data highlights improvement in patient outcomes across R&I and CVRM Clear rationale for targeting IL-33 in severe viral lung infection CEO Opening Remarks Post-index COPD Exacerbations 2.50 2.00 1.50 EROS: relationship between timing of Breztri initiation and exacerbation rate 1.00 Initiating <30 days resulted in 24% reduction in the risk of future exacerbations vs delaying treatment up to six months 2.30 0.50 0.00 Financial Results Breztri Real-world evidence 2.00 1.52 Any exacerbation 1.46 Oncology 1.93 2.14 ATS Moderate exacerbation Prompt initiation¹ Delayed initiation Very delayed initiation Severe exacerbation Exacerbation risk increased by 5% every month Breztri treatment was delayed ● BioPharmaceuticals ● Rare Disease CEO Closing Remarks Farxiga and Lokelma CERA LEADING EUROPEAN NEPHROLOGY Real-world evidence and guideline updates REVEAL-CKD: 85-97% Stage 3 CKD undiagnosed² Delaying diagnosis of CKD by one year: risk of deterioration by 40% risk of kidney transplant/long-term dialysis treatment by 63% ZORA highlighted role of Lokelma for patients with HK whilst on RAASI CKD and HF guidelines³ recommend and support use of K+ binders Highlights importance of early diagnosis and concomitant K+ use in RAASI therapy 1. Prompt initiation initiated therapy ≤30 days, Delayed initiation initiated therapy >30 - <180 days, Very delayed initiation initiated therapy 180 days. 2. REVEAL-CKD multinational study, data referenced includes Spain, Australia, Canada and Brazil. 3. Guidelines include: KDIGO (HTN in CKD and Diabetic Kidney), ESC (HF), AHA/ACC/HFSA (HF) 22 ATS = American Thoracic Society; ERA = European Renal Association; R&I = Respiratory & Immunology; CVRM = Cardiovascular, Renal & Metabolism; IL-33= interleukin-33; red= reduced form; SST2 = soluble serum stimulated-2; COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CKD = chronic kidney disease, HK = hyperkalaemia; RAASI = renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitor; HF = heart failure; K+ = potassium.
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