KBank's Strategic Acquisition in Muang Thai Group Holding slide image

KBank's Strategic Acquisition in Muang Thai Group Holding

K KASIKORNTHAI KSecurities Highlights in 1Q23 March 2023 หลักทรัพย์กสิกรไทย (Bt bn) #KASIKORN SECURITIES Trading Volume (KSecurities vs. Industry)* KS CAGR Y2008-2022: 16.7% 42,000 40,998 36,000 30,000- 1,800 34,057 1,517 1,600 29,829 24,790 24,000 21,296 1,119 22,937 1.021 20,345 19,549 21,899 22,442 18,000 12,377 12,486" 817 13,772 1,251 1,000 12,000 7,962 8,640 430 411 683 812 860 868 800 7,812 600 6,000- 400 207 117 200 225 0 0 (%) 10.0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 1Q23 Total Industry Trading Volume KS Trading Volume Market Share by Trading Volume* ธนาคารกสิกรไทย 开泰银行 KASIKORNBANK (Bt bn) 2,000 1,400 Industry Outlook: 1Q23 industry trading volume* was Bt7.81trn, decreasing 29% YoY KS trading volume was Bt225.36bn 1,200 KSecurities Highlights: KS ranked #11, with 2.88% market share Majority of revenue came from brokerage Number of customers account grew 8% YoY to 359,034 customers in 1Q23 KSecurities Revenue by Business 5.0 3.83.7 3.0 4.75.2 4.04.5 3.02.9 3.2.8 0.0 KS INVX KTZ BLS TNS MST 2019 2020 2021 2022 1Q23 Note: * Industry trading volume excluding proprietary trades บริการทุกระดับประทับใจ Investment Banking 9.4% Brokerage and other 90.6% 95 K KASIKORNTHAI KF&E Highlights in 1Q23 March 2023 แฟคเตอรี แอนด์ อีควิปเมนท์ กสิกรไทย 开泰设备融资 KASIKORN FACTORY AND EQUIPMENT KF&E Loan Outstanding (Bt bn) 30.0 25.11 25.15 24.31 24.09 25.0 22.88 20.38 20.0 17.63 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 1Q23 Industry Outlook: ธนาคารกสิกรไทย 开泰银行 KASIKORNBANK Growth in Equipment Leasing (EQL) business forecasted using numerous factors including total import volume of machinery and equipment, direction of government policy, domestic and international business growth opportunities, and Capital Investment Index, including the labor cost factor that causes switching to use machines instead of human labor. KF&E Highlights: 1Q23 KF&E loan outstanding was increased Bt24.09bn, +0.25% YoY KF&E currently ranked #1; maintaining lead position in equipment leasing industry Note: In 2010, KASIKORN FACTORING (KFactoring) was renamed KASIKORN FACTORY AND EQUIPMENT (KF&E) to better reflect their business, focusing on offering leasing services. for machinery and equipment; the factoring business operation of KFactoring was transferred to KBank บริการทุกระดับประทับใจ 96 90
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