FY22 Overview & Safety Program Update slide image

FY22 Overview & Safety Program Update

HERMOSA EXPLORATION POTENTIAL A highly prospective regional land package with the potential for future discoveries Taylor near-mine exploration • 138Mt Mineral Resource with a • zinc equivalent grade of 8.61% (a) A highly prospective mineralised system, open at depth and laterally We have defined an Exploration Target of 10 to 95Mt, with a mid case of ~45Mt(a) Peake prospect • High-grade copper-lead-zinc-silver mineralisation, south of Taylor • • Potential for a continuous system connecting Taylor and Peake 5 exploration drill holes planned in CY22, with 2 holes currently underway Notes: a. Refer to important notices (slide 2) for additional disclosure. Hermosa high priority corridor 00 Flux Prospect Patented Unpatented Prospects Deposits Peake Prospect N 2 Km Taylor Deposit ☆ Corridor High Priority SOUTH32 Regional exploration • • Land tenure increased by 119% since acquisition, consolidating the most prospective areas North-west to south-east trending high priority corridor with multiple prospects, identified using surface geophysics, soil sampling and mapping, aligned to historic mining areas Clark Deposit Flux prospect Downdip of a historic mining area in carbonates with the potential to host Taylor-like mineralisation • Expect to drill in early CY23 • Program expected to include up to ~5,500m of diamond drilling SLIDE 42
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