GAR Infrastructure Overview slide image

GAR Infrastructure Overview

Annexure B: Airport Business (Consolidated) INR mn Q3FY2020 Q2FY2021 Q3FY2021 9MFY2020 9MFY2021 Aero Revenue 4,984 1,388 1,993 14,525 4,127 Non Aero Revenue 9,958 4,770 5,548 27,128 13,936 CPD Rentals 1,419 126 621 4,431 1,327 Gross Revenue 16,361 6,284 8,162 46,083 19,390 Less: Revenue Share 4,914 1,933 2,422 14,096 5,963 Net Revenue 11,447 4,350 5,740 31,988 13,427 Operating Expenditure 4,952 4,016 4,929 14,693 13,234 EBITDA 6,495 334 810 17,295 193 EBITDA margin 57% 8% 14% 54% 1% Other Income 638 721 497 3,441 1,752 Interest & Finance Charges 3,692 3,705 3,769 9,945 11,060 Depreciation 2,243 2,417 2,037 6,629 6,836 PBT 1,198 (5,066) (4,499) 4,162 (15,951) Tax 172 (489) (477) 736 (2,500) Profit after Tax (PAT) 1,026 (4,577) (4,022) 3,426 (13,451) Add: Share in Profit / (Loss) of JVs / Associates PAT (After share in JVs/Associates) 497 757 (182) 1,364 406 1,523 (3,820) (4,204) 4,790 (13,045) GAR Humility | Entrepreneurship I Teamwork and Relationships I Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence I Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual 38
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