Q1 2017 Financial Performance
Energy Exposures¹
Committed to our guidance of a cumulative PCL ratio of less than
3%² since 2015
Cumulative PCL ratio of 2.0% as of Q1/172
The Bank has moved past the key issues in the sector
Drawn corporate energy exposure of $14.0 billion decreased 10%
Approximately 48% investment grade
Undrawn commitments of $10.7 billion, down $0.4 billion
Approximately 64% investment grade
Focus on select non-investment grade E&P and Services accounts
Approximately two-thirds of focus accounts have issued debt ranking
below the Bank's senior position
Exposures relate to loans and acceptances outstanding as of January 31, 2017 and to undrawn commitments attributed/related to those
drawn loans and acceptances.
Cumulative PCL ratio by sector is calculated as total PCLs over the period Q1/15 - Q1/17 divided by the average quarterly exposure over Scotiabank®
the period Q1/15 - Q1/17.
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