Capital First Strategy, Loan Growth and Profitability Trends slide image

Capital First Strategy, Loan Growth and Profitability Trends

Status of our achievements vis-à-vis Guidance provided at the time of the merger Particulars Pre Merger Mar-18 Sep-18 At merger Post Merger Guidance given at the time of Dec-18 Dec-20 Status merger for FY24-FY25 30% (FY24), 11.54% 12.98% 8.68% 48.31% Achieved 50% thereafter L CASA as a % of Deposits (%) | A Retail CASA + Retail Term Deposits as 5.41% 8.91% 8.04% B 50% (FY24) 46.83% On Track a % of Total Deposits & Borrowings | Branches (#) 150 203 206 800-900 576 On Track T Additional Achievements | Revised Guidance S ES Customer Deposits <=5 crore as a % 28% 30% 31% 80% 78% Achieved of Total Customer Deposits (%) Top 20 Depositors concentration (%) 42% 40% 40% ~5% 10% On Track 4 IDFC FIRST Bank
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