Nova Eye USA Sales Growth Opportunity slide image

Nova Eye USA Sales Growth Opportunity

Who are the Medicare Administrative Contractors? • The MACS are private insurance . contractors granted responsibility by the US Government Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to administer the health care funding allocated by Congress • MACS administer claims, review doctors' operating notes, consider whether the surgery was medically necessary and pay the claims based on allowances (codes) provided by CMS MACs that proposed changes to Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs): • National Government Services (NGS) • . WPS Government Health Administrators (WPS) Palmetto GBA (Palmetto) • Celerian Group Company (CGS) Noridian Healthcare Solutions (Noridian) JE Noridian JF JF Noridian J6 NGS J8 WPS J5 WPS J15 CGS JL Novitas JH Novitas JJ Palmetto JM Palmetto JN FCSO ع ne JK NGS MACs that DID NOT propose changes to LCDs: • First Coast Service Options (FSCO) . Novitas Solutions (Novitas) | 31
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