Investor Presentaiton
Braskem could pay Dividends in 2 ways: as Mandatory and as Complementary
Dividends Policy
Net Income
from each fiscal
Source: Braskem Dividends Policy.
5% allocated to the Legal Reserve
Before any other allocation, 5% of the net income determined in
accordance with Brazilian Corporation Law and with Braskem's Bylaws
are allocated to the Legal Reserve
25% of Mandatory Dividend
Shareholders will be entitled to receive as Mandatory Dividend 25% of
the net income for the fiscal year, in accordance with Article 202 of
Brazilian Corporation Law
The class "A" and class "B" preferred shares have the same priority in
the distribution. The common shares are entitled to Dividends only after
the payment to class "A" and class "B" preferred shares
Complementary Distributions
The payment of Dividends complementary to the Mandatory Dividend,
must be analyzed by the Company considering its capacity to generate
cash flow, based on its long-term projections
The proposal for Complementary Distributions must consider the impact
of such distribution on the Net Debt/EBITDA ratio of the Company
measured in U.S. dollars. This indicator, after any distribution, must not
be greater than 2.5x in the current year and in the 2 subsequent years
As provided for in Article 202,
Paragraph 4 of Brazilian Corporation
Law, the payment of Dividends is
not mandatory in fiscal years in
which the Management bodies
inform the Annual Shareholders
Meeting that such payment is
incompatible with the financial
situation of the Company
Dividends must be paid, unless
otherwise decided by the competent
body, within 60 days from the date
they are declared and, in any case,
during the fiscal year
Click here to download Braskem's
Dividends Policy
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