Nova Realidade Covid-19 após 1 ano
4 Global Macro C&R Trends
New Business Models
and Associations
The restrictions and changes
imposed by the pandemic have
forced companies to rethink
their existing business, channel
strategies, employment
contracts and partnerships;
Technology adoption has
accelerated like never before,
pushing the industry towards
digitization with little time to
The platform ecosystem and
omnichannel strategy are driving
the evolution of the industry's
business model.
Rethink the cost
of doing business
The increase in digital
commerce and the restrictions
imposed, added to a consumer
who seeks differentiated
experiences, further pressured
the profit margins in the sector;
⚫. The last mile is one of the most
expensive stretches of logistics
and puts even more pressure
on margins in digital commerce,
in addition to being the stage
where most bad consumer
experiences happen;
• The cost of doing business is
increasing and traditional
reduction actions are not
enough, making it necessary to
look for other options.
Purpose is a concept that goes
far beyond profit or even
corporate vision and mission,
as it supports not only owners
and shareholders, but also
employees and society as a
Consumers value not just the
product or service, but the
experience the brand provides
throughout the shopping
Consumer relationships are
based on trust and "purpose" is
one of the generative pillars.
Power of
Consumers are still very
demanding and demanding,
seeking to save, but without
reducing their purchasing power,
resulting in greater complexity to
deliver with limited capital and
Consumer choice power is
growing exponentially, making it
a real challenge for retailers to be
relevant and retain their
Retail is moving very quickly from
a push (B2C) to a pull (C2B)
© 2021 KPMG Auditores Independentes Ltda., a Brazilian limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International
Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. BD210890
Source: KPMG - NRF 2019, 2020 e 2021
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