Integrated Report 2020
ŵ <22 >
Maceió Case
GRI 103-2, 103-3 | 307, 413-2
Regarding the geological phenomenon in Maceió, we re-
affirm our commitment to the safety and well-being of
the communities, focusing on Braskem's full support to
the affected families and on the technical assessment
of the situation. For more information on the history of
events and our performance, follow this link.
Understanding the events
In March 2018, there was a 2.4-degree earthquake on
the Richter scale in certain neighborhoods in Maceió
(AL), impacting the 35 rock salt wells we had explored
there for at least 40 years. The salt wells belonged
to Salgema, one of many companies incorporated
into Braskem when it was founded in 2002.As a
consequence of the earthquake, cracks appeared
in buildings and streets. Soon after the event, we
requested studies from independent specialized
institutions to identify the causes of the geological
phenomenon and indicate measures to be taken.
We shut down the rock salt mining operation and
cooperated with the necessary actions to evacuate risk
areas and ensure the safety of the local population.
Braskem actions
In 2020, we signed agreements and amendments with
the competent authorities to support the evacuation and
compensation of local residents and property owners in
the areas at risk and to protect and monitor the affected
neighborhoods through our Financial Compensation and
Relocation Support Program (PCF). This Program is based
on the map of risk areas of the Civil Defense of Maceió,
published in december 2020 and independent technical
studies contracted by the company.
By the end of 2020, we had relocated about 9,200
families and made about 3,500 compensation propos-
als, with an acceptance rate of 99.7%. This enabled us
to meet the 100% vacancy requirement in the priority
areas established by the agreement. The evacuation of
the remaining areas in still in progress, until we finish
relocating around 15,000 families covered by the pro-
gram. Additional measures were implemented, such as
the Local Resident Central providing services for inhabi-
tants, and Animal Shelter Program.
We also made progress with the Salt Well Closure and
Monitoring Plan, with ongoing actions related to wells
under the recommended measures approved by Na-
tional Mining Agency (ANM) and other urban structure
measures such as demolition, security and janitorial ser-
vices in the vacated areas. In 2020, we made significant
progress in installing equipment to monitor salt wells
and surrounding neighborhoods, and we also began to
fill the first salt well with solid material.
Finally, we signed the Second Amendment to the
Residents' Compensation Agreement and the So-
cio-Environmental Reparations Agreement with the
competent authorities in December 2020. Under the
additional provisions, the Company undertakes to:
adopt the necessary measures for the stabilization
of the wells monitoring of the soil; repair, mitigate or
compensate for potential environmental impacts and
damages resulting from rock salt mining in the city of
Maceió; and repair, mitigate or compensate for po-
tential socio-urban impacts and damages resulting
from rock salt mining in the city of Maceió, allocating
the total amount of R$ 1,280 million to the adoption of
actions and measures in the evacuated areas as well
as actions and measures aimed at urban mobility and
social compensation. Yet, within the agreement with
Federal Prosecutor Officer, we will destine the adicional
amount of R$ 300 million to idemnify collective social
and moral damages and eventual contingencies relat-
ed to acitions in the vacated areas and urban mobility
Both agreements made it possible to extinguish public
civil actions against Braskem.View entire presentation