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Investor Presentaiton

Opportunities to Foreign Investment in Kosovo Most of the respondents said that they know about Kosovo through: friends (42 %); colleagues (33%); internet/websites and newspaper (25%), etc. The option TV is not rating at all and here is the question how successful is the TV campaign "Kosovo - Young Europeans"? Figure 7.5: How companies heard about Kosovo? How did you know about Kosovo? 0% TV 25% 25% Newspaper 17% 25% ■Embassy Friends 8% 42% Colleagues 33% Family Internet/Websites Other Comments provided under option Other: • Chamber of Commerce • Personal connections • Business operations Most attractive areas for investment are: agriculture, mining, road transport, trade, hotels and restaurants, telecommunication, etc. There is no rating for tourism in which area Kosovo have natural wealth (Figure 7.6) 56 99
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