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Investor Presentaiton

CONSISTENCY IN OUR STRATEGY 40 40 NOTE 4 DERIVATE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS: The Company's activities expose it to a number of different financial risks: market risk (including exchange-rate risks, cash flow and fair value, interest rate risks and price risks), credit risk and liquidity risk. The risk management general program considers the unpredictability of the financial markets and seeks to minimize the potential negative effects on the group's financial performance. The group uses derivative financial instruments to hedge against risk exposure. Financial risk management is handled by the finance department, as per the policies approved by the Board of Directors. The entity identifies, assesses and hedges the financial risks in close co-operation with its subsidiaries. The Board has approved written general policies in connection with the financial risk management, as well as policies for specific risks, such as exchange rate, interest rate and credit for the use of trading and/or hedging derivative financial instruments and of non-derivative financial instruments for the investment of treasury surplus. Following is the open position at December 31, 2009 and 2008 pertaining to hedging financial instruments, as well as the effects of the transactions with financial instruments conducted in the periods ended December 31, 2009 and 2008: Comprehensive income 2009 2008 The total amounts of hedge agreements for the purchase of soy oil in effect at December 31, 2009 and 2008 are as follows: At December 31, 2009 Notional amount (Dls.) Dls.12,403 Notional amount pesos Dates Fair value Ps161,814 Starting Maturity Various Various Position Long (Dls.) Dls. 1,781 Ps 23,274 At December 31, 2008 Pesos Notional amount (Dls.) Dls.10,368 Notional amount pesos Ps142,820 Dates Fair value Starting Various Maturity Various Position Long (Dls.) Pesos (Dls. 3,582) (Ps 49,367) For the period ended December 31, 2009, the Company recorded a Ps48,616 benefit in the cost of sales, stemming from financial instruments contracted in 2008, realized during 2009. Due to the fact that these financial instruments were intended to hedge the price of soy oil. Company management considered that recording this amount in the cost of sales reflects the hedge effect more clearly. As required in Interpretation to NIF 6 "Timeliness in formal designation of hedging", the Company documented the efficiency of derivative financial instruments at a date subsequent to contracting thereof, as a result of which those instruments were recorded as for hedging purposes. Exchange-rate derivative financial instruments In the purchase of its raw materials, the Company is exposed to fluctuations in the exchange rate of the Mexican peso to the US dollar, due to which the Board of Directors has approved a hedging strategy with forwards, with a view to minimizing the exchange risk for those transactions. Open exchange rate hedge agreements Ps Open hedge agreements for the purchase of soy oil Deferred IT pertaining to derivative financial instruments intended for hedging (121) (4,733) 1,432 Trial balance accounts Assets arising from futures for the purchase of soy oil Assets arising from exchange rate hedge agreements Investments in derivative financial instruments Liabilities arising from exchange rate hedge agreements Liabilities arising from futures for the purchase of soy oil 23,274 210,721 21,716 Ps 85,831 210,600 49,367 At December 31, 2009, the characteristics of the forwards designated as hedging are as follows: Cost of sales Change in fair value of futures for the purchase of soy oil (48,616) (7,012) Comprehensive financing income Open futures for the purchase of soy oil (not for hedging purposes) (18,541) Counterparty Totals Notional Notional amount amount (Dls.) (Ps.) Dls.16,000 Ps210,600 Beginning date Various Expiration date Various Type of underlying asset US dollar Fair value Ps 121 As part of the strategy for soy oil price hedging (the main raw material), during 2009 and 2008, McCormick, a subsidiary, used derivative financial instruments to reduce the risk of price fluctuations. At December 31, 2009 and 2008, the related balances included in "Other current assets" are as follows: Investments in financial instruments Fair value of derivative financial instruments Net value of financial instruments 2009 2008 Ps 21,716 Ps 23,274 85,831 (49,367) Ps 44,990 Ps 36,464
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