United Nations Strategic Framework for Afghanistan slide image

United Nations Strategic Framework for Afghanistan

42 | UNITED NATIONS STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK FOR AFGHANISTAN In addition to its three core outcomes, the UN Strategic Framework also integrates a set of Collective Outcomes, outlining specific, jointly envisioned results with the aim of addressing and reducing needs, risks, and vulnerabilities, requiring the combined effort of humanitarian, development, and peace communities. UN entities will prioritize multisectoral and cross-pillar interventions undertaken in support of the UN Strategic Framework's core outcomes that contribute to the achievement of the Collective Outcomes. These Collective Outcomes are: 21 CO1: By the end of 2025, the estimated proportion of people in Afghanistan experiencing acute food insecurity (IPC Phases 3 and 4) declines by 20%. CO2: By the end of 2025, child mortality rate declines by 4% and maternal mortality rate by 3%. The Collective Outcomes will be monitored through its own set of outcome indicators (see Collective Outcome indicators in Annex I) many of which are also reflected within the indicator frameworks of the three core outcomes - and will be reported against through the annual monitoring and reporting process for the UN Strategic Framework. Figure 2: UN Strategic Framework and Humanitarian Linkages to the Collective Outcomes UN Strategic Framework 1. Sustained Essential Services ⚫ Health and Nutrition; Education; WASH; Social Protection; and Protection. 2. Economic Opportunities and Resilient Livelihoods ⚫ Economic Stabilization; Agriculture, Natural Resources; Private sector; and Livelihoods. 3. Social Cohesion, Inclusion, Gender Equality, Human Rights, and Rule of Law ⚫ Inclusion, Reconciliation; Human Rights and Women's Rights; and Rule of Law. COLLECTIVE OUTCOME 1 By the end of 2025, the estimated proportion of people in Afghanistan experiencing acute food insecurity declines by 20%. COLLECTIVE OUTCOME 2 By the end of 2025, child mortality rate declines by 4% and maternal mortality rate by 3%. Humanitarian Response Plan Food Security & Agriculture Emergency Shelter & Non-Food Items Cash and Voucher Education Health Nutrition WASH Protection Mine Action 21 According to the Inter-Agency Standing Committee, "a collective outcome is a jointly envisioned result with the aim of addressing and reducing needs, risks and vulnerabilities, requiring the combined effort of humanitarian, development and peace communities and other actors as appropriate... They should be developed through joint (or joined-up) analysis, complementary planning and programming, effective leadership/coordination, refined financing beyond project-based funding and sequencing in formulation and implementation."
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