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Investor Presentaiton

Historical Reconciliations of GAAP and Non-GAAP Organic Revenue Growth (Unaudited) (dollars in thousands) GAAP revenue GAAP revenue growth Less: Non-GAAP revenue from divested businesses (1) Non-GAAP organic revenue(2) Non-GAAP organic revenue growth Non-GAAP organic revenue(2) Foreign currency impact on Non-GAAP organic revenue (3) $ 2.1 % Six months ended 06/30/2023 $ 532,795 06/30/2022 Three months ended 06/30/2023 Year ended 03/31/2023 12/31/2022 12/31/2022 09/30/2022 522,051 2.3% 271,042 $ 261,753 1.8 % $ 1,058,105 $ 274,757 $ 261,297 $ Three months ended 06/30/2022 264,927 $ 257,124 03/31/2022 (2,613) $ 532,795 $ 519,438 2.6 % 271,042 $ 2.8 % 261,753 2.3 % (3,535) $ 1,054,570 $ (10) 274,747 $ (912) 260,385 $ (1,304) 263,623 $ 255,815 (1,309) $ 532,795 $ 519,438 $ 271,042 261,753 1,054,570 274,747 $ 260,385 $ 263,623 $ 255,815 3,657 980 Non-GAAP organic revenue on constant currency basis (3) $ 536,452 Non-GAAP organic revenue growth on constant currency basis $ 3.3 % 519,438 $ 272,022 $ 3.2 % 2,677 264,430 $ 1,054,570 274,747 $ 260,385 $ 263,623 $ 255,815 3.4 % GAAP recurring revenue GAAP recurring revenue growth 515,138 497,173 262,390 252,748 1,011,733 265,173 249,387 252,507 244,666 3.6 % 3.9 % 3.3 % Less: Non-GAAP recurring revenue from divested businesses (1) Non-GAAP organic recurring revenue(2) (2,545) $ 515,138 $ 494,628 4.1 % 262,390 $ 4.4 % 252,748 3.8 % $ (3,439) 1,008,294 $ (1) 265,172 $ (893) 248,494 $ (1,266) 251,241 $ (1,279) 243,387 Non-GAAP organic recurring revenue growth Non-GAAP organic recurring revenue(2) $ 515,138 $ 494,628 $ 262,390 3,388 518,526 $ 4.8 % $ 1,008,294 $ 265,172 $ 248,494 $ 251,241 $ 243,387 916 494,628 $ 263,306 $ 4.8 % $ 252,748 2,472 255,220 4.9 % $ 1,008,294 $ 265,172 $ 248,494 $ 251,241 $ 243,387 Foreign currency impact on non-GAAP organic recurring revenue (3) Non-GAAP organic recurring revenue on constant currency basis (3) Non-GAAP organic recurring revenue growth on constant currency basis (1) Non-GAAP revenue from divested businesses excludes revenue associated with divested businesses. The exclusion of the prior period revenue is to present the results of the divested business with the results of the combined company for the same period of time in both the prior and current periods. (2) Non-GAAP organic revenue and non-GAAP organic recurring revenue for the prior year periods presented herein may not agree to non-GAAP organic revenue presented in the respective prior period quarterly financial information solely due to the manner in which non-GAAP organic revenue growth is calculated. (3) To determine non-GAAP organic revenue growth and non-GAAP organic recurring revenue growth on a constant currency basis, revenues from entities reporting in foreign currencies were translated to U.S. Dollars using the comparable period's quarterly weighted average foreign currency exchange rates. The primary foreign currencies creating the impact are the Australian Dollar, British Pound, Canadian Dollar and EURO. 30 فــ
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