FY22 Overview & Safety Program Update slide image

FY22 Overview & Safety Program Update

IMPORTANT NOTICES III SOUTH32 EARNINGS RECONCILIATION The Group's statutory profit after tax increased by US$2,864M from a loss of US$195M to a record US$2,669M in FY22. Consistent with our accounting policies, various items are excluded from the Group's statutory profit/(loss) to derive Underlying earnings. The total adjustments to derive Underlying EBIT (US$243M) shown in the table below include the recognition of indirect tax assets following the restart of the Brazil Aluminium smelter (US$77M pre-tax) and a net impairment loss of non-financial assets (US$145M pre-tax) primarily related to our Eagle Downs Metallurgical Coal development option (US$183M pre-tax) partially offset by an impairment reversal for Brazil Aluminium (US$42M pre-tax). Profit/(loss) to Underlying EBITDA reconciliation1,2 Profit/(loss) before tax and net finance costs Adjustments to derive Underlying EBIT: Significant items Sierra Gorda joint venture adjustments Manganese joint venture adjustments (Gains)/losses on the consolidation or disposal of interests in operations Net impairment loss of financial assets Net impairment loss of non-financial assets FY22 FY213 3,724 (94) ཕྱིཊྛཱ, 。ཁྱཻ ཡྻུཾ, སྒྱེ (77) (55) 44 216 210 (9) Exchange rate (gains)/losses on the restatement of monetary items (50) 26 145 764 (Gains)/losses on non-trading derivative instruments, contingent consideration and other investments measured at fair value through profit and loss Major corporate restructures (52) (37) 23 Total adjustments to derive Underlying EBIT 243 1,133 Underlying EBIT 3,967 1,039 788 817 4,755 1,856 Underlying depreciation and amortisation Underlying EBITDA Profit/(loss) to Underlying earnings reconciliation1,2 Profit/(loss) after tax Total adjustments to derive Underlying EBIT Total adjustments to derive Underlying net finance costs Total adjustments to derive Underlying income tax expense Underlying earnings FY22 FY213 2,669 (195) 243 1,133 (124) 34 (186) (483) 2,602 489 SLIDE 3
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