Flexible Renewable Storage Potential
Earned net income of $1.24 per share for the first nine months of 2021, compared to $0.80 from
continuing operations for the same period in 2020, an increase of 55%
Added nearly 12,000 natural gas meters in the last 12 months for a growth rate of 1.5%
Received Washington rate case order approving a two-year adjustment that combined has an
estimated pre-tax earnings benefit of up to $8 million
Continue to work on procuring and investing in renewable natural gas (RNG) opportunities under
Senate Bill 98 most recently signing contract with Archaeal
Released Vision 2050: Destination Zero, an in-depth scenario analysis illustrating options for NW
Natural to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 for the energy services it provides to its customers
Launched a competitive renewable energy strategy
Signed a purchase agreement to acquire Far West water and wastewater utilities, doubling the size of
our water utility business.
Increased our dividend for the 66th consecutive year; annual indicated dividend rate of $1.93 per share
Executing on Strategy
NW Natural
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