H1 2023 EBITDA Overview and Oyu Tolgoi Outlook slide image

H1 2023 EBITDA Overview and Oyu Tolgoi Outlook

Income Statement: exclusions June 2023 June 2022 Per Interim Per Interim Exclusions Underlying Exclusions Underlying release release Consolidated sales revenue 26,667 26,667 29,775 Net operating costs (excluding items disclosed separately) (17,535) (141) (17,676) (17,202) (89) 29,775 (17,291) Impairment reversals/(charges net of reversals) (1,175) 1,175 Exploration and evaluation expenditure (net of profit relating to interests in undeveloped projects) (710) (710) (367) (367) Operating profit 7,247 1,034 8,281 12,206 (89) 12,117 Share of profit after tax of equity accounted units 431 431 468 468 Profit before finance items and taxation 7,678 1,034 8,712 12,674 (89) 12,585 Net exchange gains/(losses) on external and intragroup net (debt)/cash balances 103 (103) 387 (387) Net losses on derivatives not qualifying for hedge accounting 32 (32) (205) 205 Finance income 245 245 17 17 Finance costs Amortisation of discount on provisions Finance items Profit before taxation Taxation (536) (536) (55) (55) (592) (592) (503) (503) (748) (135) (883) (359) (182) (541) 6,930 899 7,829 12,315 (271) 12,044 (1,983) (298) (2,281) (2,867) (16) (2,883) Profit after tax for the year 4,947 601 5,548 9,448 (287) 9,161 • attributable to owners of Rio Tinto (net earnings) 5,117 603 5,720 8,943 (281) 8,662 • attributable to non-controlling interests (170) (2) (172) 505 (6) 499 Rio Tinto ©2023, Rio Tinto, All Rights Reserved 50 50
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