Bank of Cyprus Credit Ratings and Financial Position slide image

Bank of Cyprus Credit Ratings and Financial Position

Risk Weighted Assets- Regulatory Capital Risk Weighted Assets by Geography (€ mn) Reconciliation of Group Equity to CET1 € mn 31.03.23 31.12.21 30.09.22 31.12.22 31.03.23 Shareholder's equity 1,899 Cyprus 10,595 10,472 10,059 10,108 Less: Intangibles (28) Overseas 99 66 55 56 Less: Deconsolidation of insurance entities and other entities¹ (123) RWAS 10,694 10,538 10,114 10,164 Less: Regulatory adjustments (200) RWA intensity 43% 40% 40% 40% CET1 1,548 Risk Weighted Assets 10,164 CET1 ratio² 15.2% Risk Weighted Assets by type of risk (€ mn) CET1 ratio fully loaded 15.2% 31.12.21 30.09.22 31.12.22 31.03.23 Credit risk 9,678 9,523 9,103 9,153 Market risk Operational risk 1,016 Total 10,694 1,015 10,538 1,011 10,114 1,011 10,164 1) 2) Includes for compliance with CRR an accrual for an estimated final dividend at a payout ratio of 30% of the Group's adjusted recurring profitability in line with the Group's approved dividend policy. Any recommendation for a dividend is subject to regulatory approval Includes unaudited/unreviewed profits for 1Q2023 and for compliance with CRR an accrual for an estimated final dividend at a payout ratio of 30% of the Group's adjusted recurring profitability in line with the Group's approved dividend policy. Any recommendation for a dividend is subject to regulatory approval 3) Capital amounts and ratios include profits for the year ended 31 December 2022; restated following ECB approval and BOD recommendation for a final dividend payment of €22.3 mn out of FY2022 profitability. Dividend payment is subject to shareholders approval at the AGM on 26 May 2022 Equity and Regulatory Capital (€ mn) 31.12.21 31.12.223 31.03.232 Total equity excl. non-controlling interests 2,059 2,027 2,119 CET1 capital 1,620 1,540 1,548 Tier I capital 1,840 1,760 1,768 Tier II capital 300 300 300 Total regulatory capital (Tier I + Tier II) 2,140 2,060 2,068 42
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