ESG: Our 'Beyond Compliance' Approach slide image

ESG: Our 'Beyond Compliance' Approach

Gold production (oz) TAILINGS RETREATMENT ACQUISITIONS - FURTHER GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES MINTAILS AND BLYVOOR ACQUISITIONS Mintails current status • • Currently finalising a DFS - scheduled for completion in Q1 of the 2022 calendar year A concept study on the Mintails SA Soweto Cluster is also progressing under the auspices of DRA Global Blyvoor current status TAILINGS OPPORTUNITIES • The Group has engaged independent consultants to conduct a fatal flaw assessment and gap analysis as part of the initial due diligence • These studies will be completed by April 2022 in accordance with the timelines of the staged acquisition process • Date for the fulfilment of the conditions precedent and initial due diligence period extended to 31 August 2022 • DFS expected to be finalised in December 2022 120 000 100 000 80 000 60 000 40 000 20 000 0 1 Mintails and Blyvoor tailings - indicative production profile* FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 FY30 FY31 FY32 FY33 FY34 FY35 FY36 FY37 FY38 FY39 FY40 FY41 FY42 FY43 FY44 FY45 *Assuming sequential project development Mintails ■Blyvoor 28
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