Annual Integrated Report
GRI Standard
ESG risk management, incorporating climate
GRI 3: Material Topics 2021
3-3 Management of material topics
GRI 201: Economic Performance
201-2 Financial implications
and other risks and opportuni-
ties due to climate change
GRI 205: Anti-corruption 2016
205-1 Operations assessed for
risks related to corruption
GRI 207: Tax 2019
207-1 Approach to tax
GRI 308: Supplier Environmental
Assessment 2016
308-1 New suppliers that
were screened using envi-
ronmental criteria
GRI 414: Supplier Environmental
Assessment 2016
414-1 New suppliers that
were screened using social
Annual Integrated Report
Table of Contents
Introduction Value Creation | Economic Performance | Environmental Social Governance Appendices
We reiterate that our foremost impact lies in the indirect emissions resulting
from our financing activities. In the same vein, the activities we fund may
offer opportunities for creating a low-carbon economy, as described in the
section on Sustainable Finance. Our commitment to Net Zero represents the
primary means of mitigating the emissions impact of our portfolio. Another
action is the reduction of our impact through efficiency and consumption
of renewable energy. The outcome of our efforts to assist clients in
transitioning to a low-carbon economy constitutes the main measure for
managing tangible and potential positive impacts.
Where to find the
Reasons for
Pages 9, 22 and 32
Incomplete information. This mar-
ks the first year in which we have
provided a more detailed explanation
of our global objectives, with specific
goals for Brazil to be included in the
next report. The effectiveness of this
process remains unmeasurable at the
time (item 3.3.e.i.ii.iii.iv.). We also rei-
terate that customer engagement will
be key to achieving the goals, given
that our impact lies in the customers'
emissions (indirect emissions). The
measures taken to mitigate this impact
are reported in the Sustainable Finance
item (item f.)
a. Total number and percentage of operations assessed for corruption-
related risks: 1,091
b. Significant corruption-related risks identified: 22 (This figure includes
unfavorable opinions, following a thorough analysis by the Compliance
team, pertaining to Anti-Corruption Clauses and Suppliers, in cases that
demonstrate a correlation with corruption).
Pages 30 to 32, 82
Pages 77 and 78
Information unavailable. The finan-
cial implications of both risk and
opportunity, as well as the costs of
any measures taken, are currently
being assessed. (items a.iii and v)
Confidential information. Despite
providing a comprehensive break-
down of operations evaluated by
category, we refrain from disclosing
the percentage of operations asses-
sed for corruption-related risks, as it
constitutes confidential data.
Our Tax Policy, approved by the Board of Directors, outlines the fundamental
principles that guide our actions in any tax matter. Its purpose is to establish
clear directives and best practices aimed at preventing and mitigating tax
and reputational risks. This includes a thoughtful consideration of the
socioeconomic impacts of our tax strategy.
Page 76
Page. 87
Page 87
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