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Investor Presentaiton

. GABRIEL COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES Strong Parentage of Anand Group Flagship company of ANAND Group, a one-stop solution provider for customers Leverage partnerships, systems, processes, governance and sustainability frameworks 6 Decades of Presence Home grown ('Atmanirbhar') player Leverage huge knowledge database and highly experienced team Sustainable practices demonstrated with strong culture and customer-oriented approach • Strong Focus on R&D and Technology Partnerships Best-in-class R&D facilities in the country with 60 specialists providing customized solutions End-to-end capabilities from design, development, testing and validation Association with global technology partners Gabriel India Ltd. | • ANAND≫ Quality at Competitive Price 7 state-of-the-art facilities in proximity to OEMs ensures just-in-time supply as per demand while rationalizing logistics costs Providing best quality products at reasonable cost #1 Brand in Aftermarket Leadership with market share of >40% in India • Strong brand recall Logistics network comprising 664 dealers and 12,000 retailers Long Standing Client Relationships Only player with meaningful presence across all vehicle segments: 2/3W, PC, CV and Railways segments Diversification across products, customers and geographies 39
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