Earnings Presentation Q3 2022 slide image

Earnings Presentation Q3 2022

Tüpraş Subsidiaries 990 OYA Dpet 309 OPET - Distribution • • Tüpraş Share: 40% 1,827 stations as of 30 June 2022 As of May 2022 Market share: 18.8% in white products; 24.2% in black products Tupras Trading Tüpraş Trading UK - Trading Tüpraş Share: 100% Over 7 million tons of product trade More than 3 million tons of spot crude oil connections Trading Office in London is important for wider integration with the global energy landscape by allowing to: ■ Closely monitor international market opportunities ☐ Support import and export operations ■ Create additional value from supply chain and sales activities Oct-22 Investor Presentation Company Overview www.tupras.com.tr 16
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