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Investor Presentaiton

RED CRITICALLY ENDANGERED EXTINCT IN THE WILD EW EXTINCT EX NOT EVALUATED DATA LEAST DEFICIENT CONCERN THREATENED NEAR VULNERABLE ENDANGERED NE DD LC NT VU EN CR O Thomas Hörning Sentani Rainbow fish (Chilatherina sentaniensis) New Guinea has the highest diversity of rainbow fish in the world, but with the number of humans living along the shore of Lake Sentani rapidly increasing (25,000 in 1996) pollution from domestic waste entering the lake is a threat to the species living there, including the Sentani Rainbow Fish. A further threat to these picturesque fish are the exotic species introduced to its habitat including carp, tilapia, walking catfish, barbs, and gouramies. "Jayapura had become a truly Asian city. The town is unfortunately built around a creek which is now horribly polluted, resembling in sight and smell the filthiest open drain in Jakarta .... Melanesians are loath to foul their waterways, and one rarely sees such a disgusting sight elsewhere in New Guinea" (Tim Flannery).
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