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Investor Presentaiton

Asset Management (1) Investment Assets 1. Summary 2. How to Increase Corporate Value 3. Appendix 4. Financial Data Financial Results Asset Management Σ Business Governance At the end of September 2023, investment assets were JPY 226.8tn, up by JPY 0.4tn compared to the end of March 2023. The balance of JGBs increased in response to rising yen interest rates and the balance of risk assets was also accumulated. As a result, due from banks, etc., decreased significantly. Investment Assets (Non-consolidated) (billion yen) (trillion yen) ■Japanese government bonds ■Japanese local government bonds, corporate bonds, etc. ■Foreign securities, etc. Balance As of Sep. 30, 2023 VS % Money held in trust ■Loans Due from banks, etc. Mar. 31, 2023 Main drivers of increase and decrease Securities 137,740.6 60.7 4,971.2 (1) Short-term investments and others Japanese government bonds 38,904.5 17.1 i (1) 789.8 • Increase in balances of long-term bonds 229.6 226.3 226.8 222.8 Japanese local government bonds, 13.2 13.1 13.6 corporate bonds, etc." *1 17,001.0 7.4 13.6 Foreign securities, etc. 81,835.1 36.0 66.6 60.1 68.2 63.3 Foreign bonds 27,973.2 12.3 (2) 1,834.2 i 4.4 5.4 5.7 Investment trusts*2 53,740.2 23.6 (3) 1,630.0 i (3) 5.6 5.8 6.4 6.3 6.5 Money held in trust 6,314.9 2.7 (249.8) 703.5 3,477.8 (2) Increase in balances of assets such as IG bonds Increase in balances of private equity funds, foreign bond investment trusts, etc. Domestic stocks 1,471.4 0.6 74.1 (386.1) 78.3 78.3 81.8 Loans 5,750.9 2.5 146.5 16.1 Due from banks, etc.*3 63,381.6 27.9 (4) (4,901.9) (4) 16.8 16.2 17.0 *4 Short-term investments and others" 13,618.8 6.0 460.4 ● Impact of using Bank of Japan deposits as investment capital 49.2 41.9 38.1 38.9 Total 226,806.9 100.0 426.5 End End End End Mar. 22 Sep. Sep. Mar. 23 Sep. Sep. *1 "Japanese local government bonds, corporate bonds, etc." consists of Japanese local government bonds, short-term corporate bonds, Japanese corporate bonds and Japanese stocks. *2 Investment trusts are mainly invested in foreign bonds. Investment trusts include private equity funds, etc. *3 "Due from banks, etc." consists of negotiable certificates of deposit, Bank of Japan deposits and monetary claims bought. *4 "Short-term investments and others" consists of call loans and receivables under resale agreements, etc. JP JAPAN POST BANK BANK Copyright© JAPAN POST BANK All Rights Reserved. 34
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