Kipa Acquisition Operational Rationale slide image

Kipa Acquisition Operational Rationale

MIGROS Migros • Migros, Largest National Supermarket Chain Number of stores: 1,533 including 424 5M, MMM & MM stores and 1,109 Migros Jet & M stores, Penetration: 73 cities MIGROS - (401-4,500) sqm / (1,800¹ - 18,000) SKUs Differentiated offering and service on fresh product categories Wide branded assortment of FMCG products Consistent Every Day Low Pricing on commodity Private Label products MMM MIGROS MMM MIGROS - Fashionable, complementary and seasonal non-food selection Focus on proximity supermarkets • 587 Migros Jet and 522 M Migros • Proximity Stores, (401-300) sqm, • 1,800 3,000 SKUs - New avenue of expansion through collaboration with Petrol Ofisi company to open forecourt stores in selected locations Loyalty Program MIGROSjet CRM applications for different customer segments Customized & Differentiated Offering for Money Club Card holders Club Card Loyalty Program for 17 years 1 Including Migros Jet stores and Migros Jet 7/24 forecourt stores as of March 31, 2017. indirim indirim KIZILCAHAMAM MADEN SUYU 6:200 ML SAMA JOCAL SUYUS dirim im 149 100164 185 1491 indindiri, indirim indirim 250 indi ind 5M MIGROS jet DIRIM INDIRIM İNDİRİM INDIRI IND INDIRI INDIRIM 22 27
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