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Investor Presentaiton

BOOHOO GROUP PLC NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (FORMING PART OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS) CONTINUED ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2021 /// FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 17 TRADE AND OTHER RECEIVABLES 2021 Trade receivables Prepayments Accrued income Taxes and social security receivable Trade receivables represent amounts due from wholesale customers and advance payments to suppliers. 2021 £ million £ million 18.3 20.6 10.4 7.3 0.3 0.3 11.6 3.6 40.6 31.8 The fair value of trade and other receivables is not materially different from the carrying value. Where specific trade receivables are not considered to be at risk and requiring a provision, the trade receivables impairment provision is calculated using the simplified approach to the expected credit loss model, based on the following percentages: Age of trade receivable 60-90 days past due 91-120 days past due Over 121 days past due Trade payables Other creditors Accruals Deferred income Taxes and social security payable The fair value of trade payables is not materially different from the carrying value. 20 PROVISIONS Provision at 29 February 2020 year provision utilised 2020 19 TRADE AND OTHER PAYABLES 2021 2020 £ million 47.9 £ million 33.9 6.4 2.7 144.0 99.3 10.2 10.7 14.4 18.9 222.9 165.5 2020 Dilapidations £ million Returns Claims Total £ million £ million £ million % % 4.2 25.1 29.3 1 1 5 90 5 Movements in provision charged/(credited) to income statement: 90 Prior (25.1) (25.1) Increase in provision in current year 1.7 24.2 23.4 49.3 The provision for impairment of receivables is charged to administrative expenses in the statement of comprehensive income. The maturing profile of unsecured trade receivables and the provisions for impairment are as follows: Provision at 28 February 2021 5.9 24.2 23.4 53.5 2021 2020 £ million £ million The dilapidation provision represents the estimated exit cost of leased premises; the returns provision represents the revenue reduction of estimated customer returns which occur over the two to three months after the date of sale; and the claims represents the estimate of claims against the group that are expected to settle in the period within nine to twelve months after the year end. Due within 30 days Provision for impairment Due in 31 to 90 days Provision for impairment Past due 18.3 13.1 (2.4) (2.4) 21 INTEREST-BEARING LOANS AND BORROWINGS 3.6 10.0 This note provides information about the contractual terms of the group's interest-bearing loans and borrowings, which are measured at amortised cost. (1.4) (1.0) 2021 2020 0.2 0.9 £ million £ million Provision for impairment Non-current liabilities Total amounts due and past due Total provision for impairment 18 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 22.1 24.0 Secured bank loans 2.4 (3.8) (3.4) Current liabilities 18.3 20.6 Current portion of secured bank loans 2.4 Terms and debt repayment schedule 2021 2020 £ million £ million At start of year Net movement during year 245.4 197.8 30.8 46.9 Effect of exchange rates (0.2) 0.7 At end of year 276.0 245.4 There is no material credit risk associated with the cash at bank due to the healthy credit ratings of the banks. 108 Currency Nominal interest rate GBE LIBOR +0.95% Year of maturity 2022 2021 2020 £ million £ million 4.8 Secured bank loan The bank loan of £4.8 million was repaid during the period in advance of its maturity date in 2022. Movement in interest-bearing loans and borrowings Opening balance Interest accrued Interest paid Capital paid Closing balance 109 2021 2020 £ million £ million 4.8 7.2 0.1 0.1 (0.1) (0.1) (4.8) (2.4) 4.8
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