Corporate Bond Portfolio and Investment Analysis slide image

Corporate Bond Portfolio and Investment Analysis

Very Strong and Resilient Solvency Position Group LCSM Coverage Ratio Movement +15 pps (9) pps (6) pps (1) pps 282% (7) pps 283% (15) pps 260% Group LCSM Coverage Ratio End of 2022 Expected Solvency Generation AIA Resilient to Market Volatility Sensitivities to Changes in Interest Rates and Equity Prices Impact on Group LCSM Coverage Ratio Temporary effects Regulatory changes (6) pps (8) pps 10% increase in equity prices +3 pps Others (1) pps 10% decrease in equity prices (4) pps 50 bps increase in interest rates (8) pps New Business Dividend Investment Finance Costs Group LCSM Coverage Ratio Before Share Buy-back Other Group LCSM Non-operating Coverage Ratio Items End of 1H23 50 bps decrease in interest rates +9 pps Share Buy-back and Other Non-operating Items 30 50
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