Management Report 2020 slide image

Management Report 2020

- .... Management Report 2020 24.2. Third party lease agreements As of December 31, 2020, the Company and its subsidiaries have third-party lease agreements and building leases, thus distributed: SLC Agrícola Unit Location Currency Lease liability (CPC 06(R2)scope) (IFRS16) 12/31/2020 12/31/2019 Leases payable 12/31/2020 12/31/2019 Palmares Panorama Barreiras (BA) R$ 99,477 91,774 70 Correntina (BA) R$ 93,219 56,701 Paladino São Desidério (BA) R$ 40,005 32,062 5,283 Parceiro Formosa do Rio Preto (BA) R$ 19,031 19,965 Piratini Jaborandi (BA) R$ 155 Pantanal Pamplona Chapadão do Céu (GO) e Chapadão do Sul (MS) Cristalina (GO) R$ 329,762 227,453 R$ 15,636 17,136 Planeste Balsas (MA) R$ 101,527 54,785 Parnaiba Tasso Fragoso (MA) R$ 51,748 48,765 2 Palmeira Alto Parnaiba (MA) R$ 30,991 32,872 Paiaguás Diamantino (M)T R$ 141,115 37,669 89 Planorte Sapezal (MT) R$ 3,326 3,472 Perdizes Porto dos Gaúchos (MT) R$ 567 Pioneira Querência (MT) R$ 499 Planalto Costa Rica (MS) R$ 6,240 6,436 64 Parnaguá Santa Filomena (PI) R$ 213 Matriz Porto Alegre (RS) R$ 773 626 934,284 629,716 5,283 225 162,258 772,026 114,567 515,149 5,283 225 Liabilities current Liabilities non-current Liabilities for land and cotton leasing have a discount rate with a range of 6,48.0% to 9.45%. For other lease liabilities (machinery, buildings and vehicles), we have a discount rate ranging from 3.00% to 7.70%. In relation to third party lease agreements we also inform you that: (i) there are no contingent payment clauses; (ii) there are no renewal terms or purchase options, ex- cept for the contract of Fazenda Planalto, related to 1,603 ha, which has annual re- newal; (iii) the land lease contracts are indexed, in its majority, to the variation of the price of the soybean bag, and there are no other readjustment clauses; (iv) there are no restrictions imposed, such as those related to dividends and interest on equity, additional debt, or any other that requires additional disclosure. In addition to leasing crop land, the Company has operational leasing contracts for a cotton processing unit at Fazenda Palmares (in Barreiras-BA, for R$ 1,850 per year, until August 31, 2023), at Fazenda Paladino (in São Desidério-BA, for R$ 1,000 per year until August 31, 2026) and at Fazenda Pantanal (Chapadão do Céu - GO, for R$ 400 per year until August 31, 2030), equipment rents at Fazenda Planorte (in Sapezal- MT) and Fazenda Paiaguás (in Diamantino-MT), with decreasing values each year until April 30, 2026, and rents from its administrative headquarters in Porto Alegre-RS. The statement of the maturity flows of lease and lease liabilities payable is presented in note 25. 125
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