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Investor Presentaiton

Opportunities to Foreign Investment in Kosovo relatives to do so. This is not only a function of remittances, but it also potentially implies a beneficial transfer of know-how and competencies - a so-called 'brain gain'. Currently, for several reasons, many members of the Kosovo Diaspora do not see investing in Kosovo as a priority. First, with the exemption of a few successful businessmen, they do not possess great financial potential. Second, members who have a certain financial potential to invest view the business culture in Kosovo as an obstacle. They complain about corruption, lack of basic infrastructure and the lack of reliability of the business people in Kosovo. Lastly, most potential migrant investors remain hesitant to invest in Kosovo because of a pervading perception of abandonment by their "homeland" after having contributed for decades to its political development. The failure to acknowledge the contributions of the Diaspora by governmental institutions and the lack of tax facilitation and subventions decreases their interest and motivation to investment in Kosovo. In May 2011 is established the Ministry for Diaspora, as a necessity to have an address for our Diaspora. The Ministry is in its beginning of functioning and in the near future this institution will be the main body that will provide help and support to our Diaspora. In other side, one of the priorities of the Investment Promotion Agency of Kosovo is to encourage investments from Diaspora as promoters of foreign investment and consequently Diaspora can be consider as first “foreign” investor. IPAK is actively seeking to increase its representation abroad among other things to attract also investments from Diaspora. Currently IPAK is represented in German speaking countries by ECIKS Vienna Office in Austria. Diaspora is very important not only economically but also socially, culturally and politically because of the links it establishes between countries and cultures. 38 38
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