Investor Presentaiton
Memorandum of Understanding
The Government of The Republic of Indonesia Through The Ministry of Environment and Forestry
and The Government of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Through The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
Cooperation on Indr
Forestry and Other Land Use (Folu) Net Sink 2030
ta, 22 Oktober 202
The objective of the memorandum of understanding on environment and climate between
Indonesia and the United Kingdom signed by Minister of Environment and Forestry of Indonesia
Siti Nurbaya and Minister of State for Asia, Energy, Climate and Environment of the United
Kingdom Lord Goldsmith is to build stronger friendship, in order to deliver concrete and
effective climate actions in the field, particularly the implementation of Indonesia's FOLU Net
Sink 2030.
(Jakarta, 22 October 2022)
As the follow-up of the MoU, Indonesia is also
ready to share experience in restoring and
rehabilitating peatland.
(Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, 9 November 2022)
Director General of Sustainable Forest Management of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry
Agus Justianto has a discussion with Director General for the Environment of the European Union
Commission Florika Fink-Hooijer at the Indonesia Pavilion COP27 UNFCCC. At the meeting, the
European Union declares their readiness to support the implementation of Indonesia's FOLU Net Sink
2030 agenda.
(Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, 14 November 2022)
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